
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Beer Review - Dieu du Ciel Solstice d’Hiver (Canada)

Its time for our first beer review! Are you all ready?

Let's start with a good old local Canadian beer. As mentioned today, I'll be reviewing the Dieu du Ciel - Solstice d’Hiver.

Looks: A nice dark red/copper tone and a medium sized head that's very light.
Smell: Caramel, citrus, raisins, spice and a very light touch of alcohol.
Taste: Starts off sweet, with the taste of caramel and fruit with a taste of brown sugar. Lightly bitter, but not enough to take the taste away from the sweetness. A hint of citrus or possibly cherries? Leaves a nice long bitter-sweet aftertaste.

Overall a very good beer. Its smooth to drink, be careful though, as you can't always taste the alcohol in it and it does still have a light punch to it. Highly recommended for those that enjoy beers with full aromas and a sweet taste.


PS: So I get to know my audience better, what would you guys like more of? More beer reviews? Pub/Restaurant reviews? Leave your suggestions / how I can make this blog better for you in the comments.


  1. Interesting.. Too bad I can't get this where i'm located D:

  2. Yeah, loving the beer reviews. Sadly, I'm not located in the vicinity of where you are so I couldn't join you in your beer-related endeavors.
    For me personally, I'd love you to focus more on reviewing beers (and other beverages if you do that) since I'm not very close to you.

    But it certainly would be nice to hear a pub review once in while still!

  3. Hmm, where exactly would I get this in Canada? Haven't enjoyed a good beer in awhile!

  4. I love beer. Can't seem to find these near me tho.

  5. nice review but ill stick with sam adams

  6. interesting, I like this... keep up the good work

  7. awesome stuff, keep it up

  8. Well, I'll be sure to try it if I ever get a cnance ^_^

  9. great review, darn i looked up that beer and it's not availible in my area grrrrr.

  10. Nice review, Saporro is a damn fine beer too.

  11. it's sad people think Bud Light is good, yechh

  12. Beer reviews sounds like the best job ever. XD

  13. OMG, I can't stand beer today.. got drunk lie hell yesterday >.<

  14. Great post I will be supporting you!

  15. I like what you got going on here...
    +1 follower :D

  16. Nice review, I reccomend black label :P

  17. I love all different kinds of reviews, just make it a mixture of whatever you feel like that day!

  18. More Beer reviews. Not everyone can go to the restaurant while most beers can be bought by all.
