
Thursday, October 21, 2010

J Answers You: The dreaded beer belly.

Hello dear readers. Remember when I said today's post was going to be late? Yeah I lied. Turns out I have enough time between my 2 exams to squeeze in some writing for you. Thus I bring you today's new type of post: The "J Answers You". What exactly is "J Answers You" you ask? Well since I've started the blog, I've noticed that sometimes people ask me questions (either in the comments or in emails). So the J Answers will be dedicated to answering your questions that you have asked (of course they need to be about things related to this blog - so please feel free to ask more in the comments).

Today's question came to me by email:

"J, you drink a lot right? I bet you must have one hell of a beer belly."

Now that I look at it, its not very flattering. Silly asker, let me rephrase that into something more appropriate.

"J, you are wonderful and your body is the pentacle of human beauty and perfection. How do you keep off that pesky beer belly?"

Much better.

Truth be told, my body is not the pentacle of anything. However, I don't have a beer belly (even though I do love my drinking) and today we'll talk how you can avoid having one too.

See its pretty simple. Beer bellies come from sitting all day drinking beer. How can you avoid them? Well easy: Just don't sit around all day drinking beer. Now I'm all for drinking beer, but when you drink 10 bottles a day, followed by over-sized meals and no exercise, that's how you end up with a beer belly.

Take me for example: I love my beer. I really do. However, I'll have maybe one or 2 a day at most. Moderation is the key. I also try to get some physical exercise in there every once in a while too (about 3-4 times a week). I also try to eat healthy and not snack on junk food all the time. And that dear readers is how you can keep your beer away while still being able to enjoy a nice cold one after a long day.


PS: Got more questions for me? Post them in the comments, I'll note them down and try to answer as many of them as I can in the next installment of "J Answers You". Tune in tomorrow for more beer reviews.


  1. wish it was as easy as you make it seem:)

  2. I like the idea that "the best way to enjoy your beer without getting a beer-gut is to not eat, only drink beer". That way you don't get calories but from the beer, and the beer will make you sick faster, so you can't drink as much.

  3. I drink beer and don't care about beer belly ! :D

  4. Be a bro! party hard and work hard. Best of both worlds.

  5. yay for not having a beer belly

  6. ive always heard that you don't get a beer belly from beer, you get it from being drunk and eating a ton of shit food BUT im not really sure i heard that secondhand.

  7. Great stuff, will definitely be back every day!

  8. Combine a McDank and a Double Down and that'll contribute to any type of belly.

    Actually, would that even be good beer food?

  9. i'm drinking some more black label hard beer and eating spaghetti atm, feels awesome

  10. I figure if you do some exercise and don't eat fast food every day for every meal, you should be fine.

  11. Cheers, enjoyed your post, a little exercise goes a long way

  12. I have a question. Do you think you could, in this sequence, 1. take a bong rip and hold in 2. take a shot 3. chug a beer and 4. exhale bong rip?
    if you think you can do it i think you should film it and post it.

  13. good post! Thanks for checking out my blog!

  14. great info but i love eating after beer

  15. My secret is drinking on weekends only. Hangover and lectures are not a good combination.

  16. Heh, its funny how a lot of people overlook all this.

  17. Im fighting that beer belly hard!!

  18. i've got some interesting facts, thank you

  19. Definitely gotta have a balance, good tips!

  20. Good tips, but still needs more beer!

  21. you should try jelen beer sometime, i like it and so do a lot of other people.

  22. My answer to this is: Don't drink beer, unless followed by water, it is healthy for some of your organs, but not for the gut.

  23. interesting info.. i enjoyed reading it =]

  24. a real man has to have a bit of a beer belly!!!

  25. hehe that's so true. people sit around all day doing nothing and then blame beer because they're getting fat

  26. you'd think all the dudes in its always sunny in philidelphia would have beer bellies

  27. Very true words my friend. I drink at least a beer a day and keep fit by simply getting off my ass, and maybe a few sit ups before bed.

  28. any way to get rid of one starting to develop

  29. mines coming out :) following follow back

  30. Very informative. You really know what you're talking about.

  31. Friday night! Why am I NOT drinking beer right now!?

  32. Friday night.. I'm drunk.. AND I need to get to work tomorrow morning.. -.-

  33. This is really nice...but BEER is bette ;)

  34. That's the secret to anything really, enjoy it in moderation and balance your lifestyle and you should be fine.

  35. i liked how you rephrased the question :)

  36. I will do everything I can to not have a beer belly

  37. How to not get a beer belly-
    Don;t drink excessive amounts of alcohol too frequently...
